I’m going to start highlighting Black authors and even some Black-owned bookstores (if I can get to them in person, if not, I’ll just do a virtual recommendation).
I figured since protesting is starting to become more dangerous and performative; more about people wanting to look like they were out fighting the power, but not really being about that life, here is an alternative.

We received a copy of The Undefeated earlier this year right before coronavirus and statewide shutdown. We’ve had our copy pretty much all year. Eventually, we’ll give it back to the library and purchase our own.

I wanted to talk about how much I really just love this book. It talks about the why Black lives matter and takes a young child through a brief history of Black culture. Topics discussed range from slavery to the Alabama church bombing to various Black celebrities to the reason why we say Black lives matter.

I highly recommend this book for parents who want to emphasize Black lives matter or those who want to teach their children why Black lives matter.

To purchase, click here: